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speed神话 :[赛车天地]Ferrari ENZO中国***版现身,Top speed 贬低中国汽车厂商

汽车达人 汽车新闻 2022-01-13 02:04:38 112 0 speed神话

在Top speed的网站上,近期有条新闻,报道了中国有一个汽车厂商***了一辆法拉利 ENZO的消息,这条消息的来源可靠不可靠并不确定,但是照片已经发出来了speed神话 。

  他们的网站上这样说的 : “In a country where replicas are the standard way of life, you’d have to believe that the Chinese have already perfected the inexact science of taking the cloning of manufactured goods to new heights.

  The Chinese are so good at this craft that no industry is safe from their experimenting hands. Naturally, that includes the auto industry where the Chinese have made replicas of Japanese and European cars and have done quite an impressive job with it – at least for the most part.”


  之前也听说过这样的消息,但是这样直白的表述让人十分的不爽,一方面耻于国人盲目追命求利的心理,一方面对这样的现实也没有办法speed神话 。只是希望中国人别再给人留下这样的坏印象了,好像一说到中国人就是***的代名词,就像一说到日本人就是禽兽一样。MD,还是不爽!

[赛车天地]Ferrari ENZO中国***版现身,Top speed 贬低中国汽车厂商

[赛车天地]Ferrari ENZO中国***版现身,Top speed 贬低中国汽车厂商


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